Tuesday, April 17, 2012


"The person who really wants to do something finds a way;
the other person finds an excuse."

       I have been saying for months that I wanted to start a blog. I have read that as a small business owner "blogging" is a must to keep in touch with customers and to increase traffic to your website. I like to research things before I move forward so I decided to spend a few hours on-line reading some blogs before even attempting my own. Not the best idea!! My excuses for putting off this endeavour only increased as I read many witty and well written blogs. That nasty excuse maker in my head formed many reasons not to blog: "I am not a very eloquent writer. English was not my cup of tea in school." " Do I really have anything important to say?" "I'm too busy pinning on Pinterest!"....and so on.
      Well, in an attempt to leave my comfort zone I have decided just to jump in feet first and give it a whirl. No more procrastinating. No more excuses. What have I got to lose,right? So here it is. My inaugural blog post. A big step outside the "box" in an attempt to rid myself of all those pointless and nonsensical excuses. My intent is that The Dandy-Lion Patch will provide news and updates for my website as well as highlight new products. I also hope to share my thoughts and ideas on crafting, sewing, motherhood, entrepreneurship and I guess whatever else comes to mind.
         So, Thank-You in advance for reading (and hopefully following) my blog. I am always open to content ideas as I embark on my first blogging experience!!
I hope you enjoy!
(Now, that wasn't so bad after all!!)


  1. Hi! I met you a couple of years ago in Cape May and I LOVE your dresses! I will follow your blog and "Pin" some items to Pinterest to help you get some traffic!

    Hope to see you again!

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere Suz! Robear
